Wednesday, May 27, 2015


I love this title I saw from a fellow blogger, "LOVING YOU IS WHAT I'M GOOD AT." To the cynics let me explain. She doesn't wake up or spend her days in this utopia of not doing anything, just loving this said person. Hell to the no. It simply means that loving this person makes her feel good about life, about herself, inspires her, and makes her feel like the world in all its wrongness, is right. Sorry if this makes no sense.... It's exactly how I feel about him. Inspired. What about the times we were apart? And we're not exactly together now, physically at least so how does this love inspire me? Its a feeling, a knowing and this sums it all up. "Sometimes I wish for older things, for things of days gone by. I long to hold a human hand, rather than a cellphone. I want a scrawling, handwritten letter stamped with a kiss, instead of a good morning text. Sometimes I desire to be living in the moment, without the itch of expectation, without the shadow of technology." Because that's what we're about now. TECHNOLOGY.

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